Looking to the Future

Gateway History





Founded over 50 years ago, 
Gateway was one of the first schools of its kind and, today, 
is very proud of its history as a pioneer and leader 
in the field of special education.

Gateway's Original Benefactor

In 1965, Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church became Gateway’s original benefactor, agreeing to a minimal rent for generous space in which the school thrived for 36 years.

In the mid-1970s, Gateway was designated by the New York State Commissioner of Education as an “approved non-public school.”

In 1998, Gateway added the Transition Program and extended its program through 6th Grade.

Gateway relocated in 2001 to its first schoolhouse, an American Institute of Architects award-winning building at 236 Second Avenue, which it subsequently named The Evelyn McKenzie Building to commemorate a beloved teacher.

In 2003, Gateway was the second independent special education school in New York City to be accredited by the New York State Association of Independent Schools.

In 2008, Gateway opened a Middle School to serve students through 8th grade and moved to its current home at 211 West 61st Street.

The Gateway School current location

NCLD Founder's Award

In 2010, Gateway was the first independent school to receive the National Center for Learning Disabilities’ Founder’s Award for exceptional service to children and families.

In 2014, the Board of Trustees resolved to expand enrollment to 180 boys and girls. In June, Gateway opted out of its contract with the New York City Department of Education and was no longer an ‘approved non-public school.’

Arts Center

February 2019, Gateway undertook the renovation of its facility to create an Arts Center and to accommodate its growing enrollment.

The Gateway Difference

February 2021, the Gateway community engaged in a strategic planning process to chart the direction for the school and its community for the next five years. October 2022, Gateway faculty, staff, trustees, and parents, worked in collaboration to map out the next five years in the school’s trajectory as part of their Strategic Plan.

The Gateway School Strategic Plan

Read about The Gateway School Difference