King Paluta


Thomas Adjei Wireko popularly known as King Paluta is a Ghanaian musician.

Street Rap Battles and Rising Fame

From 2007 to 2011, King Paluta participated in street rap battles, gaining significant publicity by consistently outperforming his competitors. His skill in these battles not only earned him respect but also helped him build a fanbase and secure financial rewards.

Signing with a Record Label

In 2012, King Paluta signed with an undisclosed label that promised extensive brand promotions and success. However, after three years of continuous recording and unmet promises, he realized that staying with the label would not fulfill his dreams. This period taught him valuable lessons about the music industry.

Collaboration with Scratch and NKZ Music

In 2016, King Paluta met Scratch, and their mutual support helped propel his career further. His hard work caught the attention of NKZ Music's boss, Nana Yaw Maradona (Guru), who signed him to the NKZ Music group. This partnership led to the release of his debut track under the label, marking a significant milestone in his career.

Early Life and Background

Born Thomas Adjei Wireko, King Paluta hails from Atonsu Bokuro, a suburb of Kumasi. Raised by his single mother, her unwavering belief in his potential played a crucial role in shaping his musical journey. It was her advice and encouragement that nurtured his dream of becoming a rap king.

A Turning Point

Just as he was on the verge of losing hope, an opportunity arose. During a visit to Solid FM's Freestyle Saturday, he met the host, Kwame Poku "Scientific," who became a source of inspiration. Poku's words, "You are too talented to hide your lamp under the bed," motivated King Paluta to persist in his career. DJ Slim also played a significant role in supporting him, leading to increased radio airplay and growing fame.

25th Telecel Ghana Music Awards

He was recently named New Artiste of the Year at the 25th Telecel Ghana Music Awards.