Lake Bosumtwi

In stark contrast to Lake Volta's man-made grandeur, Lake Bosumtwi stands as Ghana's second-largest lake and the only natural one.

Estimated surface area

Covering an estimated surface area of 19 square miles, Lake Bosumtwi boasts a maximum length of 5.3 miles and a width of 5.0 miles, with an average depth of 148 feet.

sacred site

The crater, spanning 6.5 miles in diameter, hosts the lake, which extends over 5 miles. With a depth reaching 1,250 feet, excluding sediment deposits, Lake Bosumtwi is not only a recreational hotspot but also a sacred site for the Ashanti people.


Cultural heritage

While Lake Volta symbolizes Ghana's prowess in engineering and resource management, Lake Bosumtwi serves as a natural wonder, embodying the cultural heritage and ecological richness of the region. Together, these lakes stand as a testament to Ghana's diverse landscape and the symbiotic relationship between nature and human endeavors.