Hassan Ayariga

This is a timeline of an accountant, entrepreneur and politician


Hassan attended various schools in different regions. He had his secondary education at Ghana Secondary School in Tamale, Ghana, before moving to Nigeria to study at Barewa College in Zaria. While in Nigeria, he pursued accounting and continued his education at the London School of Accountancy. Later, he earned a Ph.D. from Atlantic International University, an American distance learning institution.


Hassan Ayariga's career trajectory showcases his versatility and drive. He commenced his professional journey as an accountant, working with WaffenSchimdt GmBH in Germany. Following his tenure as an accountant, he served as a Quality Control manager at Peter Huppertz Ford Motors in Germany for a decade.




Subsequently, Hassan ventured into entrepreneurship, establishing various businesses in both Ghana and abroad. He currently holds the positions of Chairman and CEO at Hassan Ayariga & Co. Haulage Company, a company specializing in trucks for infrastructural development. Additionally, he owns Hallo Pizza, a successful restaurant chain in Ghana. Notably, Hassan recently launched Clean Us Ghana, a waste management company, further expanding his business interests.


Entry into Politics

Born into the Nkrumah-Egala-Limann tradition, Hassan Ayariga's political journey began when he joined the People's National Convention (PNC) in 2002. The PNC, a political party formed by Dr. Hilla Limann in 1992 after the ban on party politics in Ghana was lifted, provided him with a platform to express his political convictions. His leadership qualities were quickly recognized, and he was elected chairman of the PNC's Germany (Koln) Chapter.

Formation of the All People's Congress

In the presidential primaries of the PNC for the 2016 general election, Hassan Ayariga faced defeat to Edward Mahama, whom he had previously beaten to become the presidential candidate in 2012. Citing anomalies and cheating, he made the bold decision to leave the PNC and establish a new political party, the All People’s Congress (APC), in 2016. The Electoral Commission of Ghana granted the APC a provisional certificate after meeting the requisite requirements, and the party was later issued a final certificate.

Personal Life

Hassan Ayariga's personal life reflects his commitment to family and education. He is married to Anita Ayariga, a graduate from KNUST who shares his deep passion for child education.