Monica Amekoafia

Amekoafia was a Ghanaian, and the winner of the first edition of the Miss Ghana contest in 1957 while representing Trans-Volta Togoland was contestant Number 9. It was from her number that people from the Volta Region are called Number 9.

Marriage and Diplomatic Life

After her Miss Ghana triumph, Monica married Henry Kofi Marrah, a Ghanaian diplomat, in London, UK. The couple had four children, with Monica bringing two sons from a previous relationship into the union. Following her husband's appointment as Ambassador to Czechoslovakia in 1961, the family relocated to Prague, later moving to Hungary in 1963. They returned to Ghana in 1966 after political changes.

Life in Ghana

Back in Ghana, Monica settled into domestic life but also pursued various trades from home, including dressmaking, tie and dye, and soap making.

Later Years and Passing

After her husband's death in September 1985, Monica continued her life in Ghana. Tragically, she passed away from an asthma attack on June 24, 1990.

Honoring Monica's Legacy

In tribute to her contributions, a statue was erected in her honor in Hohoe, Volta Region, Ghana.