Bright Owusu, better known as C Confion, was a rising comedian in Ghana. Working with Dr. Likee's crew, who were well-known for their funny comed...
Hans Kwofie was a Ghanaian professional footballer who played as a forward for Birgunj United FC in the Nepal Super League. He was the top goal s...
Kofi Owusu Dua Anto, widely recognized as KODA, was a Ghanaian gospel artist, songwriter, producer, and versatile multi-instrumentalist hailing f...
Akua Donkor was the founder and leader of the Ghana Freedom Party (GFP) and a Ghanaian politician.
Ike Quartey is a Ghanaian former professional boxer who competed from 1988 to 2006
John Ampontuah Kumah, a prominent figure in Ghanaian politics and entrepreneurship, was born on August 4, 1978. He is not only a seasoned politic...